Every brand needs a unique ‘voice’: a language style that helps you connect with your audience in a way no one else can. This voice needs to reflect more than just your brand’s personality; it has to take into account the various people you’re talking to as well. After all, if you don’t speak directly to your customers, and if they don’t respond – how do you ever expect to achieve your goals?

At Nuance, we’ve spent years fine-tuning our approach to brand tone of voice and brand language, and have developed a system that we believe really works. Whether you’re launching a new brand or refreshing an existing one, we can help you pinpoint the exact qualities you need to be conveying – and provide practical guidelines to make it easy.

Our tone of voice services include:

Tone of voice workshops

Working collaboratively with our clients, we run workshops to analyse communication goals, gain insight into target audiences, and agree on the unique traits that define a brand’s tone of voice. We’ve done this with brands both big and small – often taking multiple points of view and business units on board. Not always easy, but usually very satisfying!

Tone of voice audits

Not sure whether your tone of voice is connecting with people – or what to do about it? We’re here to help. By carrying out a tone of voice audit, we can take a close look at your current written communications and highlight strengths and weaknesses. For brands that have been in the market for a while, it’s a great way to take stock before making any changes.

Tone of voice guidelines

Defining a tone of voice is one thing, but putting it into action is quite another! Having worked with tone of voice guidelines for years, we have a pretty clear idea about what makes them useful – or not! Our tone of voice guidelines are practical and easy to use, making it simpler for you to keep your voice consistent, no matter who’s doing the writing.

Want to talk tone of voice?